Experience the Holy Grail of Desire, Touch,
and Consent
This is an official Wheel of Consent Workshop, an in-person small group training where you learn to experience embodied, loving connection with self, others, and all of life.🌹
Dear fellow explorer,
Did you just spend one more weekend evening with … the screen and a bottle of wine?
Or maybe you went out all weekend and it still felt like one more weekend evening with … no-one special.
Or maybe you were sitting across the table from a first date when you realized your palms were sweaty, you had no idea what to say, and now that you think about it … you might not have been breathing since you arrived.
Or have you been in the middle of the hot-and-heavy with a sexual partner when they look at you breathlessly and whisper “what would you like, baby?” and you …. wish you were back home with the screen and a bottle of wine?
Or do you just want to find that person or people who are really sexy, fun, authentic, and don’t give you the heeby jeebies? 😊
There are so many of us who see ourselves as very sexual and at the same time, when touch and intimacy start actually happening, realize we’re insecure or hesitant.
If we could just find the right guide or community we might transform our sexuality and might even geek out on the subject.
And if we don’t … how many nights will we wake up wondering if we will stay in this pattern for the rest of our life?
Because maybe we’re not enough. Maybe we don’t deserve what others have. Maybe we’ll keep caretaking everyone else while our needs go unmet. Seemingly unable to ask for what we really want. Maybe we’ll keep saying “yes” to please others even though we get resentful or we're really too exhausted. Making excuses for their behavior. Or maybe even staying with them to make sure they're ok even if we are not.
Well it mos def doesn’t have to be this way!
Because deep intimate relationships ARE possible for you.
You get to be fully supported in the area of love, sex and intimacy.
You get to have joyful, authentic sensual experiences and connection.
Your love, sex, and intimacy can reflect your deepest values.
And yes, there ARE still some great partners out there - you just need the tools to find them.
There’s even an honest, fun and inspiring community ready to welcome you!
Past participants in this workshop have called the experience nothing less than life-changing.
A cathartic transformation that will help you break free from everything that is holding you back.
I bring all of my expertise forward. As one of the leading professional surrogate partners in the country, I've helped people succeed in cultivating their sexual mojo for over ten years.
I've also led hundreds of creatives, professionals and entrepreneurs through this extraordinary weekend experience and most remark how tragic it is that they didn't know these things earlier. ❤️
The weekend is designed for your success, broken down into simple concepts intermingled with gentle practices that gradually progress in intensity so you are comfortable every step of the way.
If you’re ready to go from cold and clammy to warm and fuzzy.
From disconnected to connected.
From empty to full.
Join us and cultivate the skills and capacities that will allow you to create and relish in a world’s greatest love affair of your very own.
I look forward to meeting you in the next workshop!

Lorena shares about her experience at the Weekend Workshop with River Roaring.
Find out why she wishes everyone would take the workshop. ❤️
Rich shares the incredible and unexpected epiphanies he had in the weekend workshop. ❤️
Kitty shares about her experience at the Weekend Workshop with River Roaring.
Find out how her life has changed since she took the workshop. ❤️
Chris shares about his experience at the Weekend Workshop with River Roaring.
Chris vulnerably shares his powerful story about how the workshop affected his "ED". 💪🏽🚀
Stacy shares about her experience at the Weekend Workshop with River Roaring.
She's real, raw and authentic, check it out ... 🌈🌤️
Kenton shares vulnerably about being a people pleaser ... anyone feeling this one? 🌈🌤️
Read lots of Weekend Workshop reviews here!
Prior participants have taken time to write about their experience for YOU, so you can know more about what happens in the workshop. Just open the accordian files for lots of juicy details.
(I have 20-30 more to post, just need to get them up ☺️)
Lots of Reviews"River exuded a gentleness, confidence, and passion for the material that drew us in from the moment we started. She engaged with each of us individually and tailored the pace of the class to what we were ready for in each moment. My favorite part was how she kept the tone light and informal so the class was as much about having fun as it was about learning."
"River teaches with a spectacularly open heart. Her willingness to share from her own experience and create space for participants to do the same enabled real evolution. Her mix of experiential guiding, intellectual understanding, and loving acceptance deliver the ideal conditions for learning."
We stand for you being a bigger, fuller, more expressed human being.
Generating the world you want to live in.
Centering your relating around desire rather than fear.
Co-creating community with others dedicated to full liberation including sexual liberation.
Gray shares about their experience at the Weekend Workshop with River Roaring. 🦄🌤️
This is the official Wheel of Consent workshop
facilitated by River Roaring in the beautiful city of Austin, Texas.
River has shared the Wheel with her private clients in person for a dozen years and facilitated this intimate in-person workshop for hundreds of participants over the past five years.
River has developed a unique version of the Wheel she calls the resiliance model.
It's a journey to a new way of being.
You will be gently guided through a progression of experiences that will invite you to open to physical sensation so you hear when your body is saying "yes" and "no" even when the situation gets intense.
You will be invited to communicate with others from an embodied place to reach surprisingly simple, clear, and liberating agreements around touch even if you feel like you fall all over your words now.
Work directly with your body, bypassing the mind and its complicated theories, so you stay in the sensual world and out of your head the very next time you interact with your partner.
Leave with muscle memory and embodied experience that you can apply immediately such as
- Literally feeling the sensations of desire in your body
- Knowing what you want and how to ask for it directly
- Knowing when your body is at a limit and honoring it so you never betray yourself with a partner again
- Getting clear about how to give touch so you never again have to guess what your partner wants
- Initiating clear open-hearted touch agreements using simple communication tools
- Entering deeply relaxed states of pleasure so you can say adios to anxiety during touch forever ❤️
✨ Bonus! ✨
After you complete the weekend, you will be invited to join together with other like-minded people who’ve taken the workshop to enjoy the company of others on the path and continue to develop the tools.
So this isn’t just a weekend – it's an entry point into a community. Practice sessions, socials, and a new kind of relationship with others.
Are you ready to authentically connect with authentic people?
To feel joyful, safe and in integrity with your intimate and sexual partners?
To show up at your fullest, and engage with others who are there to do the same?
Help create a world where we connect with deeply embodied wisdom.
Where we honor others while expressing our own desire in the world.
Individuals & Couples
Get help with sexuality, touch, intimacy and relating. Find the ease, confidence and sensuality that is your birthright.
Sharpen your professional consent, boundaries and facilitation skills. Embody the Wheel and apply it in your sessions and workshops.
Create contracts and agreements with colleagues, clients, communities and the environment that align with the values of all parties.
The Wheel of Consent
is a model of consent based on, but not requiring, touch. The Wheel brings ease, sensuality, confidence, self-responsibility and freedom to the touch interaction. Yet these are touch and non-touch dynamics, and the non-touch dynamics may be of greater import.
We will gather in a small group
with no more than ten participants so you have lots of space for expansion.
You will learn simple concepts about how to cultivate capacity in your body for healthy sensual play.
You will have an opportunity to train your body using simple touch and communication practices.
Dress code: Super comfy! Comfortable clothes that allow you to relax and breathe.
This work is simple, not easy.
It’s relatively easy to access the charts and graphs about this method in print or online, however looking at a map of the Grand Canyon does not mean you have hiked the Grand Canyon.
Looking at the Wheel diagram, or learning the Wheel for an hour or two, is not the same as joining together with an intentional group for a weekend of embodied practice.
In this workshop, you will be invited to experience the Wheel from the ground up with your body, beginning with preparation for the quadrants, and ending with an opportunity to grow deeper into each quadrant.
The Wheel diagram is like a roadmap of the Grand Canyon. The workshop is a guided hike down into the Grand Canyon. ... and the Grand Canyon is the beautiful mysteries within.
The Wheel has the potential to begin as a concept, blossom to life as a practice, and then inspire a lifetime of joy as it becomes a way of life.
"Having the time to dedicate and dive deeper into each quadrant and practice what they mean is totally worth it. Now that I’ve taken the workshop, I feel like I have tools and a script in order to approach using touch in every day life and in my own teaching. To future participants I would say:
Just do it! It is so worth it!"
"I would recommend the workshop because it provides a framework that allows engaging sensually with another at the deepest level while still being true to yourself and maintaining your integrity. Things you did not think would be possible in human relationships will come into view through these three days."
From lost to liberated in just one weekend.
There is no need to know anything about the Wheel of Consent before attending this workshop.
In fact, some participants say it’s best to know nothing about it before the workshop so you can learn it from the ground up.
My suggestion is to save the resources for after the workshop. Attend the workshop with no preconceived notions, and then add the additional research after you have already experienced the Wheel in your body in the weekend workshop.
✨ And there’s a bonus! ✨
This workshop is really a portal.
It’s a portal into a larger community.
Upon completion of the workshop, you'll be invited to join the Austin Wheel Heads - a private community exclusively for those who have completed the workshop.
The Wheel Heads are an in person community of real people who appreciate authenticity.
Practice relating based on desire, creative spark, healthy boundaries and clear communication.
Wheel Heads get together in person
- to practice on Saturday afternoons in Wheel Dojo
- for casual socials at a local eatery
- in a private online community just for Wheel Heads on our private server.
You'll be part of a beautiful Austin community!
Discover the Holy Grail of Desire, Touch and Consent for yourself.
This workshop is for you if you're an explorer. If you're ready to:
- Get to know yourself in a whole new way
- Wake up your body and practice being embodied
- Bring clarity and fun to your closest relationships
- Start asking for what you want and lovingly holding your limits
- Take your sex life from a sweet simmer to boiling over with bliss
- Join an in person community of people on this path
- Receive invitations to connect with your new community in practice sessions, advanced trainings, social and celebrations
This workshop is not for you if you are not willing to learn new things about yourself, or if you are not interested in deepening your capacity to notice and communicate your desire.
Your Facilitator
River is one of the most experienced facilitators of this work in the world - offering this workshop to the public in-person for the past 5 years, and sharing the Wheel with individual clients in-person for the past 13 years. River will also be assisted by a team of expert practitioners so you're fully supported.

March 28-30
May 16-18
Subscribe to get notified when new dates are added
is $950 per person.
Payment Plan
Select Paypal, then click PayLater during checkout.
If you'd prefer AfterPay, send us an email and we'll get you the link!
We would love to facilitate a private Weekend Workshop just for your group of up to 10 people. Send us an email to inquire!
Our 100% Money Back Guarantee
We unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with this workshop. However, if you are not 100% satisfied for any reason, simply contact us for a full refund.

All the Details
Weekend schedule
All of you is welcome here
Safety is our top priority
This is a clothes-on workshop
Touch is optional
Confidentiality is paramount
Questions or Concerns?
Let's hop on the phone to discuss how this workshop can best support you, and address any questions or concerns you may have.
Let's ChatHow did this workshop affect Joaquin's dating life?
Here's the short version of Joaquin's story - just the juicy part. 😉
Curious to hear the rest of Joaquin's story?
Joaquin shares more about his workshop experience for your viewing pleasure.
"Now I feel a sense of optimism about my sensual life that I had assumed for years wouldn't be possible. In the day since the workshop I feel myself torn between joy at these new tools and understandings, and frustration that I can't keep practicing them immediately. I am looking forward to engaging with people physically in a way I haven't in a long, long time."
"As a sex therapist I wanted more practical and experiential tools that I could use to help my clients. I have found The Wheel to be one of the most practical and helpful tools for both personal and professional use! If you get a chance to take this workshop with River do it!"