Circle of Immortal Creators
A three month small group embodied journey to knowing your highest self and cultivating the immortal creator within.
You've taken the hike.
When you completed the weekend workshop with River or Like a Pro with Betty, you took the embodied journey down into the Grand Canyon. You didn't just peep the map.
If you're wanting more, you're not alone.
Have you noticed you'd like to take your desire-and-limit practice to another level? To find out what's next? What's possible for you?
Are you ready for Mastery?
Join a few of your WheelHead family members in an intimate setting where we will refine how we dance with desire and limits. This program is practical and embodied.Â
Dear WheelHead,
You have a unique opportunity as a human.
You have the power to choose to create something beautiful.
To create the life and world of your dreams.
Animals don't get that choice, but humans do.
Because we’re not just physical beings.
There is a deep learning at the energy and soul level that you can tap into.
Many of us never access that level of our potential.
We may hear that part of us talking and not listen.
We’re given nudges and ideas but often our lower self ignores or blocks them because it doesn’t like change and wants to keep things safe.
But we don’t have to stay asleep.
We don’t have to keep conforming forever to a world we don’t believe in.
We just have to make a choice.
It takes courage.
It takes courage to align our mortal self with our immortal self.
They can work together.
And the rewards are huge.
Each of us has this opportunity, and each of us has unique gifts that no one else can give in the same way.
Let's take this opportunity to do what we were born to do.
I am creating a circle of visionaries.
We will have the Wheel of Consent as a foundation as we work toward the next beautiful iteration of our evolution as individuals, and as children and stewards of our Mother Earth.
We have the privilege of being Earth's most empowered beings.
We have the honor and the duty of directing life on our planet to our highest, most loving potential.
Let's take our place in the cosmos with dignity.
Have you ever watched Star Trek: The Next Generation?
The series depicts a future where humankind has taken our place in the galaxy as champions of peace and virtue.
Even though this honorable stance seems a far cry from the current state of our world, we have the power to lead our civilization in a new direction.
To embody the highest ideals that are possible for sentient beings with free will.
The power to choose our way of being.
How do you and I begin to direct humanity to such glorious heights?
It all begins in our body.
It starts with a choice to bring our attention to the most difficult things happening inside ourselves.
When we are willing to face our individual challenges, to expand our ability to notice, trust, value, and communicate our own desires and limits, to be with uncomfortable feelings, memories, and juicy, shame-inducing fantasies, we will have the opportunity to direct our lives from an embodied and sovereign place, clearly knowing our path and purpose in a visceral, undeniable way.
The alternative is to give up on those glorious visions of liberation, love, and dignity - what we know is right for ourselves and our planet.
To give up on our juiciest fantasies that set our bodies ablaze.
To give up on our deepest sense of our divine purpose and power.
I know that I didn’t come here to give up and I imagine you didn’t either.
As we continually expand our understanding of what is possible
to create from a place of boundless potential
to express our sexuality without shame
to cultivate our sense of immortality
union with the divine
and our highest purpose ...
We will rise together to take our places as loving and responsible stewards of our world for the benefit of all.
Because when we live our own lives with deep embodiment, unleashing the true potential of our creativity, sexuality, and spirituality, our light shines bright and empowers everyone around us.
If this resonates with you in any way, I hope you will join our Circle of Immortal Creators to receive support and guidance toward the next steps in your own journey.
When we come together with the intention to grow into our highest selves, we have an opportunity to magnify our potential by exchanging our unique gifts and wisdom with one other.
This is what we’ll be up to in the May-July series of Wheel Mastery: Circle of Immortal Creators.
All with the foundational skills and empowerment
that we have each gained from learning the Wheel of Consent.
Join us.
Yours truly,

Master your foundational practice of the Wheel of Consent
and embody your highest self, the immortal creator within.
Cultivate embodied sovereignty, the power to envision and manifest your true heart’s desire, and the confidence to flow and synergize in connection with others, all in three magic areas of life – creativity, sexuality, and spirituality.
Imagine what will be possible in your life when you embody your highest self as an immortal creator in all three of these areas!
Embodied Creativity
Stop living as a victim or spectator of what others decide to create in our world, and become a creator of your own reality.
The victim believes that the outside world is happening to them, that they have no real influence on the universe. They are a victim of circumstance, if not a victim of someone else’s choices.
As torturous as it sounds, we are all taught to be small and live as victims by so many major institutions that influence our mindset.
When I was in law school, they taught us to use the victim-perpetrator-savior triangle in every case, making sure that our client was the victim or savior. In my trials for over 20 years, I was perpetuating the victim dynamic in every case, as were all of my colleagues. That practice continues today, and is just one example of the value system of today’s major institutions.
The whole us vs them idea is so outdated.
Who is right and wrong. Who agrees with me and who does not … These are out-of-date questions that always lead to the victim triangle dynamic. They set us in opposition to one another.
We know in our bodies that something is not right with the world right now.
Let’s wake up to the truth that we are creating our own reality.
Let’s stop living a life that feels out of integrity.
Let’s stop living inside of other people’s versions of reality.
Can you think of any ways that you agree, consciously or unconsciously, to a way of life that is out of alignment with your deepest values?
From a place of awareness, you can claim greater sovereignty and integrity, choosing to create your life in the way that you know is right by listening to the wisdom of your own body.
We can literally create a world where love and acceptance are the main questions.
Are we loving and accepting one another as much as possible?
You can learn to access the power of your own imagination, along with the sensations in your body, to envision your most fabulous dreams for your life and the world around you. The ones that tingle the most. The ones that send out blissful waves of warm fuzzies all over your body. :D
And what might happen if you join with others who also know how to follow their embodied vision to create the world that they want to live in?
Let’s combine forces with others who are in the same embodied field of creative intention and amplify the power behind our dreams.
Embodied Sexuality
Learn to balance, ground, and harness the most powerful force in your body, while claiming the sex life of your dreams.
Because our sexual energy is so powerful in our bodies, when it’s blocked it creates serious havoc. Unbalanced, this gushing force can not only block sexual sovereignty, it can trample all of our goals and dreams.
Our mainstream culture blocks our healthy sexual energy flow at every turn. Here are a few harmful yet sadly common messages:
- Your body isn’t the right shape.
- Your body isn’t functioning correctly.
- You don’t adorn your body correctly.
- You have low libido.
- You are a sex addict. You are overly sexual.
- You are frozen over.
- You are a perv for having those thoughts…
These are all deeply damaging ideas that we see if we turn toward the billion-dollar mainstream media messages that are aimed at us every day.
The truth is that sexual energy blockage can result in:
- Lack of desire - our sexual energy starts to wilt, dampening our appetite for life, and hindering our ability to imagine, to create, to love, and to take our places as wise, compassionate, and enthusiastic creators of our world.
- OR Hyper-focusing on hollow experiences - our sexual energy spins out in our lower centers, constantly searching for higher experience but never being fed. We are always hungry, wasting energy in a perpetual cycle of hunting and bursts of untethered, dissociated sexual activity that leave us feeling drained, used, and/or unsatisfied.
Let's not waste our most potent source of energy.
You have an opportunity to bring this powerful and delicious force into balance and flow to amplify your growth and empowerment.
When you include your sexual life force in your creative process, your power to create in the world becomes that much more potent.
The power of your sexual imagination cannot be overstated.
You can reach into your sexual imagination for juicy images and stories that can inspire radical movement forward on your path.
So many beneficial secrets lie inside your wildest dreams waiting to be uncovered.
If you choose, you can combine your sexual energy with one or more other balanced humans and experience unity, oneness, love and light, actually feel your infinite immortal nature.
Raise your pleasure ceiling, and thus broaden the scope of your sensory experience.
Expand what’s possible in your body.
You can make the path of embodied sexuality into one of the most blissful, loving, and fulfilling paths to enlightenment!
Embodied Spirituality
Connect with your highest self, access wisdom from unseen realms, and cultivate a sense of immortality for unparalleled empowerment and a visceral knowing of your life's purpose.
By expanding our concept of what is possible for us beyond this material world, we can tap into deep sources of love, inspiration, and meaning that can liberate us from limiting beliefs about ourselves, fueling and orienting our pursuits in this lifetime and beyond.
If we choose to focus only on the material world, staying closed to any possibilities beyond what we have been taught, then we miss out on an entire realm of infinite and magical potential.
The result is often depression, a flat feeling, and chronic apathy, neutrality, or mediocrity.
A blah or maybe even heavy feeling when we consider what life is all about.
Without a sense of purpose, life can become dull, hollow, and even painful.
As we learn to further open ourselves to experiences beyond our limited comprehension, the more opportunity we have to receive and embody new levels of joy, love, and wisdom.
Each of us is capable of living inside of a magnificent and ethereal felt sense of other-worldly beauty every day.
Are you ready to reach into the universe for support so you can fly higher and ultimately fulfill your most magical purpose for being here on Earth?
Even though I've been guided by my connection with spirit every day for the past eighteen years, my own practices and inter-dimensional relationships continue to deepen, and I’m certified to teach in several modalities, I have never taught in this realm before.
I was told that I will turn too many people off if I talk about spirituality. But I truly believe that humanity is at a grand turning point.
The big fork in the road.
It’s time to “take the gloves off” and give this human evolution thing everything we’ve got.
So this is the first time I’m offering spiritual, cosmic, other-dimensional guidance and practice.
I could not be more excited about it!
I acknowledge you as an immortal creator.
As an infinite light being.
As a member of our Circle of Immortal Creators, I will offer you guidance to tap into all of the forces available to you in the universe.
We can fly together to new heights!
YOU have an opportunity to enjoy all of this.
YOU have permission.
YOU deserve it.
YOU are worth it.
Life is short yet full of opportunity while we are here!
Let’s do this together.
Me, you, and a small group of the coolest WheelHeads in town.
Each session, we will:
- Experience a group energy-sync hug if you want to.
- Open our circle with ritual to empower you to step deeper into your highest self while we are together.
- Learn about a topic designed to help you expand what is possible in your life, in the areas of creativity, sexuality, or spirituality.
- Experience a guided practice, as an opportunity for you to have an embodied understanding of the topic and related skills.
- Share about your 5-Point Journey toward realization of your dreams, so that you can receive the collective wisdom of our Circle of Immortal Creators.
- Gain further insight from other shares in our circle, so that you can benefit from their biggest lessons and most inspiring victories, and offer your own wisdom as a member of our circle.
- Close our circle with ritual, so that you can harvest more of the love, magic, and wisdom that we have cultivated together.
All of you is welcome here.
The only prerequisite is the weekend workshop you took with River and your curiosity. All religious and spiritual belief systems, or lack thereof, are welcome.
Click Here to ApplyWhen I met Steve, he was shaking just a little.
His wife had recently ended their loveless marriage and he trembled at the thought of dating after all of these years.
He envisioned failure after failure. When he made an attempt to get a date it seemed like the universe wanted him to be single the rest of his life because the women he was interested in were not responding, and the women who were responding weren’t “attractive.”
Steve knew that he deserved to feel true love in this lifetime.
And I knew he was capable of so much more.
The first time I invited him to touch my hand and forearm for three minutes, he wisely negotiated back to touching only my hand and only for one minute because his system would be unsafe with more intensity than that.
And then Steve did the work.
He examined his limiting beliefs and realized that he didn’t have to live as a victim.
He decided to become the creator of his own life, the artist of his spirit.
He practiced waking his hands every day and learned to hear the wisdom in his body and live from that place.
Naturally his sexual life force started to open and blossom, and methodically he developed his sexual sovereignty.
Steve gave himself permission to dream his wildest dreams, and learned how to co-create them into reality.
His friends and peers started to see him as a leader as he honed his connection with the divine and his presence became, at once, more expansive and focused.
At work, he communicated clearly and inspired expansive solutions.
His career blasted off after he was asked to open a new division of the company in line with the vision he had articulated, which was also directly in line with his purpose and passion.
His sex life shot into the stratosphere.
It felt easy and natural as he set up peak erotic experience after peak erotic experience.
He treated every partner with dignity and honor.
In fact, with worship.
Several of his intimate relationships continue to grow deeper over time.
Steve recently related to me that he feels like the king of the jungle.
He remembers when, during our session, I said he would someday feel like the king of the jungle, able to call on all of the forces of the universe to co-create with confidence and power.
He remembers how unrealistic it sounded to him then, and marveled at how true it feels now.
Steve has this life because he chose to harness all of the forces available to him including his embodied wisdom, his creative flow, his sexual energy and his personal connection with spirit and the unseen.
And all of these forces are available to you as well.
What's possible in Wheel Mastery?
- Expand your capacity to access the deepest, most abundant levels of your imagination and creativity.
- Develop confidence to claim the sex life of your juiciest dreams.
- Awaken your potential to tap into new realms of love, wisdom, and inspiration.
- Master your practice of the Wheel of Consent, and apply this embodied wisdom to the most magical areas of your life.
- Gain and hone skills that will bring more pleasure and meaning to your life for years to come.
- Overcome obstacles that have seemed insurmountable, blocking your progress toward creating the life that you know is best for you.
- Claim greater sovereignty and integrity in all aspects of your life, while staying in loving connection with those around you.
- Become the creator of your own life, no longer the victim of circumstance and other people's decisions.
- Take your place in our world as your highest self, the immortal creator within.
Who is this for?
Wheel Mastery is for you if:
- You are eager to take your Wheel practice to the next level.
- You are spiritually curious.
- You have a desire to expand what is possible for you in the areas of creativity, sexuality, or spirituality.
- You are ready to become an artist of your spirit!
- You value grounded presence, self-love and acceptance.
- You want to deepen your understanding and alignment with your life's purpose.
- You are ready for community, especially one where you feel safe enough to explore your sexual side and your spiritual side.
- You are ready to be more energized, free, and sovereign in your daily life.
If any of these resonate, then Mastery is for you!
Click Here to ApplyWe'll meet in-person on Thursdays
Autumn Semester
September 12, 19, 26
October 10, 17, 24
November 7, 14, 21
Optional Field Trip: November 11
River’s private downtown temple space near 35 and 12th Street.
Details provided upon registration.
The topics we will explore could not be juicier!
Part One: Creativity
Power Move #1: Creative Sovereignty – Living with Integrity
- Learn a process of embodied assessment of your life, to bring yourself into greater awareness and choice about the life that you are creating.
- Notice where you act upon your different feeling states as either Victim or Creator.
- Discover opportunities to make requests with integrity, set clear limits, and lovingly claim more creative flow and sovereignty in your life.
- Set an intention that inspires you to step into a higher level of creative sovereignty.
Power Move #2: Accessing Infinite Potential - Boundless vision to create the world of your dreams
- Explore the edges of your wildest, most energizing creative visions.
- Activate your visceral, embodied wisdom as a map, compass, and antenna to align yourself with your deepest values and dreams.
- Identify immediate opportunities to embody your values, bring your intention into your daily life, and develop a roadmap toward your creative dreams.
Power Move #3: Cultivating Shared Dreams – Collaborate in creative space with others to amplify everyone’s vision and power
- Notice and attune to the group energy field – your own experience of the combination of energies present in the group.
- Identify and express your desires and limits in a group setting to support your optimum creative flow and sovereignty.
- Practice staying grounded and confident in the challenging intensity of a group, embodying the immortal creator within.
- Effectively negotiate in a group to combine creative energy and amplify everyone’s power.
Part Two: Sexuality
Power Move #4: Sensual Sovereignty – Express your sexuality with integrity
- Assess your sex life from an embodied perspective to gain greater awareness and empowerment and become the creator of your sex life, rather than the victim.
- Identify feeling states in your sex life and map your experiences as either Victim or Creator in the realm of sexuality.
- Discover opportunities and set a powerful intention for your sexual sovereignty.
- Practice expressing sexual desires and limits in the safety of our supportive circle, so you can communicate with more clarity and confidence with current or potential lovers.
Power Move #5: Sexual Fantasy – Let your imagination go wild
- Courageously explore the edges of your erotic desire and play.
- Learn about the surprising sex appeal of obstacles and emotional hurdles and develop new appreciation and ideas for otherwise challenging sexual experiences.
- Expand your ability to express desire so you have fun opening new doors for yourself in the bedroom for years to come.
- Identify opportunities to embody your values in intimacy, bring your sexual sovereignty intention into your life, and develop a roadmap toward your erotic dreams.
Power Move #6: Erotic (Comm)Union – Worshipful experience with two or more
- Notice and attune to the higher intensity of the erotic energy field when it is shared with another.
- Practice expressing your highest intention, your juiciest dreams, and learn more about what you need to maintain sovereignty and connection in a shared sensual experience
- Explore the possibilities in a fun practice and learn to set up peak erotic experiences with your future partners that are in line with your values and dreams.
Part Three: Spirituality
Power Move #7: Body as Temple – Embody the Earth and the heavens will chase you
- From an embodied place, assess where you are on your spiritual path and your current relationship with unseen realms.
- How do you embody your beliefs, and what does it feel like when you move in line with the highest version of yourself?
- Express your spiritual questions, desires and fears in the safety of our circle and be open to broadening the scope of your current understanding of what’s possible in the unseen.
Power Move #8: Connect with the Divine – Work with inter-dimensional allies
- Discover what is possible for you in unseen realms.
- Learn how to effectively call upon a spirit ally or your higher self for guidance in the context of your own dreamscape.
- Practice using your body to navigate the possibilities for your life and set an inspiring spiritual intention for your future.
- Identify opportunities to embody your spiritual values at a higher level, and develop a roadmap that will deepen your connection to the divine in your own special way.
Power Move #9: Group Energy Fields – Embodied spiritual play with others
- Explore what is possible in divine connection with others
- Learn to stay connected with the wisdom of your body and spirit guides in a group setting.
- Participate in a powerful group ritual to bring extra momentum and vital energy to all of the intentions you’ve set throughout your time in Mastery.
- Walk away with an inspiring vision for how to take what you have learned in our time together and super-charge your life by channeling the most powerful forces available to you in the direction of your divine purpose and passion.
Private Group Chat
You'll be invited to a private Signal thread so you can share any time during our three month journey, day or night. Ask for support from your fellow travelers as you go through this journey together.
This platform is private and encrypted.
Magic Workbook
You'll receive a special folder and workbook with diagrams, checklists and worksheets so it’s easy to organize your notes, reflections and questions, visions, intentions, experiences and dreamscape artwork. Stay organized and use it to prepare for each session ahead of time if you want to. Keep it near your alter or somewhere special and allow your dreams to guide you every day.
You may look back years from now and note your progress.
Exclusive Online Space
You'll have access to an exclusive space for Masters with additional resources.
Optional Field Trip
Practice noticing, trusting, valuing and communicating your truth inside an intense group experience.
This optional field trip will be near the end of our series, and we will give you all of the information about it in the beginning of the series so you have space to consider your options.
Click Here to Apply~ Bonus Pleasure ~
More magical goodies!
- Bonus 1: Free access to Wheel Dojo practice sessions during our three months together.
- Bonus 2: Lasting Community
After the program, enjoy permanent access to:- Master-only field trips each semester
- Summer and Winter solstice rituals
- Mastery family signal thread
- Bonus 3: Transformative chakra energy practice audio series.
If you are feeling extra adventurous, dip into these transformative kundalini tantra energy practices. This audio series is an advanced set and it is not for everyone. But if you are seeking high intensity tantric practice, this set may be just what you’ve been seeking.
It’s been a joy co-creating Wheel Mastery
Along the way, I’ve revisited some of my most fun and fulfilling spiritual experiences.
Years ago, as my sexual world opened up, my spiritual life opened up as well inside the Austin Toltec community.
Toltec means Artist of the Spirit and in this community I learned to dream.
We envisioned unlimited dreams for our lives and our world.
We set intention. Cleaned our energy.
When we weren’t sitting in circle learning or doing practices, we were in ritual, out in nature. We often chanted and sang with our drums and rattles.
And we did a few limiting-belief-shattering activities such as walking on fire. I guess that was our version of waking the hands. ;)
I’ve enjoyed crafting our lesson plan from an exciting new spiritual perspective that I’ve stepped into more recently.
I’m incorporating aspects from the various spiritual traditions I’ve studied for many years into our lessons.
I also continue to pursue my own spiritual path, and I’m accessing new aspects of myself that I hope will help me serve you as a stronger holder of potentiated space.
As I dreamt into the physical space we’ll be sharing for Mastery, I had another memory.
It was 2012 at the Rhikkiapeeth ashram in Northern India that I had the awareness: I want my home to feel like this.
I want to live inside a temple.
A space conducive to maintaining my connection with the divine in me. And allowing others to do the same… Ashram life.Â
So that is what I’ve tried to create in the temple space where we will gather for Mastery.
Every lovely group who has met here over the years has charged this space with more delicious positive energy.
I’m grateful to be able to offer this special space for our work together.
Would you like to know more about my journey?
Check out my About page or just email me and ask!
To Recap
This is what you get when you join Wheel Mastery: Circle of Immortal Creators.
- Three months of guidance and support from River and our intimate circle of like-minded peers.
- Gain new perspectives and skills throughout an inspiring series of topics in the areas of creativity, sexuality, and spirituality. Topics include:
- Creative Sovereignty – Living with Integrity
- Accessing Infinite Potential - Boundless vision to create the world of your dreams
- Cultivating Shared Dreams – Collaborate in creative space with others and amplify everyone’s vision and power
- Sensual Sovereignty – Express your sexuality with integrity
- Sexual Fantasy – Let your imagination go wild
- Erotic (Comm)Union – Worshipful experience with two or more
- Body as Temple – Embody the Earth and the heavens will chase you
- Connect with the Divine – Work with inter-dimensional allies
- Group Energy Fields – Embodied spiritual play with others
- Private group chat on Signal, to access the love and wisdom of our circle between sessions.
- Magic Workbook that will help you stay organized and oriented to get the most out of our time together.
- Optional field trip inside an potent group experience, to give you an opportunity to put your skills into practice in a more challenging setting.
- Exclusive online space to access additional resources and share with our wider community of Masters.
- Free access to Wheel Dojo practice sessions during our three months together.
- Lasting Community and Ongoing Events including Master-only field trips each semester, Summer and Winter solstice rituals, and the Mastery family signal thread.
- Transformative chakra energy practice audio series for further exploration and empowerment.
Full price $2500
A private one-on-one three month program with me is now $7200. This three month program is more affordable and you get the added bonus of small group learning and friend-building.
Click Here to ApplyWould a payment plan help you join our circle?
Payment plans may be requested by email.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I am confident and excited about the growth that is possible in our Circle of Immortal Creators.
If you are unsatisfied with your experience in Wheel Mastery, I will give you a full refund.