We're here on earth to lift one another up.

Are your relationships helping you ascend?

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When desire is welling up inside you, and you’re with that person who you desire so much and … and … and you just can’t do it?

Every time you start to talk the boulder in your throat won’t let you, and the old stories of shame in your head take you out of the game.

Maybe you are a seasoned expert at intimacy and yet ... you know there's another level that's possible but seems just out of reach.

While your version of this scene is surely unique, the truth is that directly asking for what you want is one of the hardest things any of us can do.

Many of us don't know what we really want when it comes to touch and intimacy.

And it’s not easy to find help since it seems like most sex education these days is scare tactics, medical advice, or pick-up-artist moves. 

I want you to have exactly what you want

and plenty of it.

I want you to have it all because it’s possible to cultivate simple skills that lead to having a different feeling.

The feeling when you engage in authentic sexual expression.

It starts with a warm tingle deep inside. Then it spreads in waves throughout. Until you feel it in your body, it’s difficult to understand.

It’s intoxicating.


Time stands still.

I want you to have access to pleasure at will.

Which is not only possible, it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

Your pleasure state can be sustained outside the bedroom in all of life.

Once you are fluent in these states, external circumstances mysteriously fall into place.

As inside, so outside.

You will not only learn to cultivate peak erotic experiences, but also optimize into the highest levels of human expression and achieve previously unimaginable success in other parts of your life.

Your unique sexual expression is an essential part of you that must be set free in order for you to be fully free.

And by setting this part of yourself free, you free the world.

As inside, so outside.

And have a lot more adventures along the way.

Are you ready to liberate humanity by liberating the force within you that is at once the most hidden and the most powerful - your sexual energy?

Then let’s play.          

Podcast Appearances

Flow with Nature

Check out River's podcast!


We each have a choice every day. 

To flow with nature or to resist her.

Check out these oh-so-bingable audio bites exploring what it means to flow with nature and align our life force with hers. Most are 5 minutes.

Listen Now

Hello dahling!


Read my story  ➝

I've always been paid to keep secrets.

Years ago I left my decades-long career as a trial attorney and lobbyist with my own office when I realized I was no longer in integrity. 

I'm not here to help people fight.

I'm here to help people love. 

Because when we free our sexuality, we free the world.

Now I'm one of the top sexologists and most experienced surrogate partners in the United States, providing safe, confidential space for erotic understanding.

How would you like to get to know one another? 😃

You are invited to join us in as many different ways as you would like!

Just follow the links above to create the relationship of your choice. 🙂🥰

We look forward to getting to know you if you so desire.

All work with River is live and in person.

If you're ready to jump in, register for my Weekend Workshop today. That's where it all begins.

If you prefer to learn in a private setting, in-person and 1:1, let's talk about the surrogate partner program or private mentorship.

The Weekend Workshop

Learn more ➝

Private Training

Learn more ➝

Sacred Sexuality Austin meetup

Learn more ➝

I celebrate your uniqueness. 
I work with individuals, couples, relationship formations, all genders and orientations, all skin colors and nationalities, all ability levels and all levels of past experience.

"Slowly, with River's ability to hold safe space, every one ended up opening their tender part to see what they were missing all along."

"River teaches with a spectacularly open heart. Her mix of experiential guiding, intellectual understanding, and loving acceptance deliver the ideal conditions for learning."

T r u e   l o v e   i s   p o s s i b l e   f o r   y o u.